We are all adjusting to a new normal, with many of us working remotely from home. Your kitchen and den (and maybe even your bedroom) have become your new “think tank” and you’re adjusting to sharing space with your new “co-workers”. Here are 7 tips (plus bonus skincare tips) to help you thrive at home (okay, maybe just keep your sanity) until you return to your regular work space.

Owner of Healthy Happy Thrive and Timeless Insider Jill Guth teaches her son how to cook a healthy and delicious meal.
#1 - Be sure to set a routine, and keep to that routine. If you typically get up for work at 6AM, continue with that routine. Shower, get dressed, and get ready for the day. Someone once said that flannel feels like failure by Day 3 of working from home.
Skincare tip - Remember your AM skincare routine should be kept the same, and even amped up with additional moisturizer and sunscreen - it might not seem like it, but warm, sunny weather is on its way and your skin needs to be protected.
#2 - Make a schedule and keep a to-do list. This will help keep you focused on the things that matter the most. And we can all agree that checking things off your list as being completed gives a sense of accomplishment that we can all use right now.
Skincare tip - Schedule time to take care of your skin, too. What better way to spend a quiet evening than giving yourself an at-home spa experience - you might even ask your “co-workers” to join the fun! And trust us, an at-home spa experience doesn’t get any better than one that includes SkinMedica’s Instant Bright Eye Mask!
#3- Remember to get up and stretch. You don’t sit in the same spot in the office all day, so get up and move around. Put your laptop in one area of the house, and your desktop in another so you can go back and forth between various sceneries and keep moving. If one of your new office mates happens to be a furry friend - a walk outside can be the perfect way to take a break.

Melinda Rodriguez-Tercius, FNP-C stays active with her son by enjoying some fresh air on a walk.
Skincare tip - Challenge yourself to drink a full glass of water each time you get up to stretch. (You may want to ensure your TP supply is good before undertaking this particular challenge!) Water is essential to maintain skin moisture and deliver essential nutrients to the skin cells. It also replenishes the skin tissue and increases its elasticity, helping to delay the signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines.
#4- Leave the TV off. Distractions abound, and you are working, so put Netflix and Hulu on hold until the work day is finished. This also helps to create separation from when you are working and when you are not. It can feel like you never truly log-off when you work from home, so it is important to keep the parts of your life separate and defined.
Skincare tip - Don’t touch your face and keep your electronics clean, including your keyboard, mouse, and phone.
#5- Eat sensibly. Just because you can see your fridge does not mean you need to open it every five minutes. Try to stick to your normal healthy diet. Keep pre-made healthy snacks in your fridge, and take the time to eat a healthy lunch during the day.

Family hibachi night at Dr. Olah's house where everyone is the chef.
Skincare tip - A diet rich in antioxidants and fruits and vegetables - including some of our SuperFoods - will help your skin maintain that healthy glow between your Timeless treatments.

Peak Performance trainer and Timeless Insider Stacy Gotti sticks to her workout routine by adapting it outside.
#6 - Stay physically active. Your gym might be closed, but you can take 10-20 minute walks several times a day, which will help you to be more alert and ditch the 3 PM caffeine rush.
Skincare tip - Bolster your Retinols and/or consider an at-home mask or peel. Any dryness or redness will be easy to remedy while at home. Remember, it’s not uncommon to experience these things when you first start using Retinols, but after a couple of days, the dryness and redness will go away to reveal that beautiful, glowing skin. One of our favorites is SkinMedica’s Retinol Complex 1.0 - available to buy online!
#7-Shower and dress. Get ready as if you are heading into the office. With many offices taking on a more casual feel, you are still good with your jeans and such, but someone once said that flannel feels like failure by day 3 of working from home. By showering and getting dressed as you typically would, you will feel better and likely be more productive.
Skincare tip - Get dressed, but going makeup-free for a few weeks will help your skin to breathe.
What other tips do you have to help our community survive the at-home craziness? Leave your comments on our Facebook page.