The Role of Skincare in Cancer Treatment
In recognition of
Breast Cancer Awareness Month,
Timeless Skin Solutions honors all of our clients and friends who have battled or have been impacted by this disease. We are particularly proud that the services we provide have empowered some of our patients through their battle with breast cancer, and their life after cancer.
Cathy Scott
Timeless Insider Cathy Scott selflessly shares her story and battle with breast cancer, so that she might be able to help others. Diagnosed with lobular carcinoma stage 2A, she had a lumpectomy and lymph node removal, followed by four rounds of chemotherapy and six weeks of radiation. Cathy was declared cancer free in 2012 and celebrates every day that she is able to enjoy her life and her family.
Cathy’s encourages others to “Focus on yourself, and your well-being, both mentally and physically.” Even prior to her diagnosis, Cathy worked at being healthy through daily exercise and eating well. So it’s only natural that she wants her external appearance to match her internal health. She quips, “When your hair is short , you focus on your face.”

A few of her favorite products during treatment and now, include SkinMedica’s Ha5tⓇ Rejuvenating Hydrator, SkinMedica’s TNS Advanced+ Serum, Obagi’s Professional-C, and SkinMedica’s Total Defense and Repair Broad Spectrum Sunscreen - don’t forget to extend sunscreen everywhere, especially if experiencing hair loss during treatment! Also, during her treatment, Cathy also used Latisse on both her eyelashes and brows to encourage fullness.
She has a few treatments that have served as the foundation of her skincare routine over the years. She notes, “everything I do at Timeless, from my daily skincare regimen to the laser treatments, IPL, and DiamondGlow I undergo on a regular basis helps me to feel better about myself.” A protip from the Timeless staff, we can extend the DiamondGlow treatment over the entire head if you have lost your hair due to treatment!
Mindy Long
A Timeless patient for years, Timeless Insider Mindy Long says her long standing Skinscript “just works, so I keep coming back!”
Mindy speaks openly about her cancer journey, having had a double mastectomy in 1998, and then in 2012 was diagnosed with a new primary cancer unrelated to the first one in 1998. Her doctors told her at the time that there is a 5% chance of that happening after having a mastectomy.
As a result of her experiences with multiple treatments, Mindy has chosen to stay focused on her skincare journey even during life’s most unexpected moments, when other parts of her body was being impacted by treatment.

In addition to using “just about the entire SkinMedica product line,” Mindy follows a Skinscript of Botox every four months, augmented with regular DiamondGlow and chemical peel treatments. Mindy also relies on the guidance of Timeless provider Allyson Sterling with whom she has built a close relationship with over her years with Timeless.
“I listen really carefully to the recommendations that Allyson makes. The solutions she recommends are always tailored for my skin, and I don’t feel pressured into doing anything outside of my comfort zone. I want to always look refreshed and rested.”
Girls with Gears
In addition to recognizing the courage of our Timeless patients who have battled breast cancer, we would be remiss if we did not recognize our friends at Girls with Gears and their work to increase advocacy and raise funds for cancer research. A cycling group that serves as a gateway into the sport for women leaders of business, nonprofits and households, Girls with Gears has exceeded $1 million total raised for cancer research. Lisa Hinson is Captain of the Girls with Gears Peloton, and she says in 2021, “we’ve exceeded our all time high in annual cancer research fundraising.” Amazing!

A special thank you to Cathy and Mindy for sharing their stories with us, and to all of our patients at Timeless for entrusting your skincare to us.