Insights from Dr. Carol Clinton - Timeless
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Amy Andrews, FNP-BC
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Matthew A. Bakos, MD
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Bri Crawley, LME
Emilia Hanson, FNP-C
Erin Olah, MD
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Insights from Dr. Carol Clinton and Finding Our New Normal 

March 18th, 2020 | By: Timeless Skin Solutions
As we settle into a day-to-day life in which everything seems to be measured by COVID-19 or our community’s reaction to it, we think it is important to take a moment and gather some Perspective, have Patience for better days ahead, and Innovate on ways that we can make the most of our “new normal.” What may come as no surprise to many in our Timeless community, our leader, Dr. Carol Clinton likes to focus on the positive, as should we all. So while this may all feel slightly overwhelming, let’s take a look at some of the good news from the past few days: 
  • China has closed down its last Coronavirus hospital, as there are not enough new cases to support them.
  • Doctors in India have been successful in treating Coronavirus with a combination of drugs that they are suggesting be used globally.
  • Apple has reopened all 42 stores in China.
  • Cleveland Clinic developed a COVID-19 test that gives results in hours, not days.
  • The number of new cases in South Korea is declining.
  • Scientists in Israel are likely to announce the development of a Coronavirus vaccine, while a San Diego biotech company is working to develop a COVID-19 vaccine in collaboration with Duke University and National University of Singapore.
  • Three Maryland Coronavirus patients fully recovered; able to return to everyday life.
  • Plasma from newly recovered patients from COVID-19 can treat others infected by COVID-19.
So with these bright spots in the news, it is as important than ever to care for one another, stay focused on keeping our communities safe for those who are most vulnerable, and to be gentle with ourselves as we deal with the repercussions of this global crisis. A few simple steps for your self-care:
  • Start the day by setting yourself up with a positive mindset, whether that be through quiet time, meditation, prayer, or physical activity. 
  • Be grateful for this slower pace being enforced upon us, and spend it with loved ones. Consider this a gift of time.
  • Be gentle and kind, as we are all experiencing major disruptions in our lives, some of which you may not even be aware.
  • Use this time to evaluate additional things you can do to improve and maintain your physical health. Getting outside - within a safe distance of others - and exercising both increase endorphins and improves your mental health.
  • Consider the supplements you are using and the food that you are feeding your body, as they can help fight viral infections and improve and support your general health. Vitamin C, D, and Zinc are particularly good for antiviral protection but always check with your physician for your specific needs.
  • With an eye towards sunnier days, evaluate your skin health. Take the time to invest in your skincare regimen to protect it and improve it. Your favorite products are just a click away
If you have a question about your skin care needs, you can reach out to us via email at [email protected] and we will help guide you through.
We would love to get started on a solution that perfectly fits your needs.